Wednesday, October 30, 2013

.com stuff

1. Go to and look around it a little bit. Now go to Now why do you think the .com website is more exciting than the .org website? 
Because .org means organization. Also .com is more known to people organization is used when you want people to donate money to you .com is commercial to make money and to create revenue.
2. Why do you think the Disney website has more hyperlinks, advertisements, and other distracting options to click on?
Because Disney has been with us seems a long time and more people now more about Disney.

3. If you had to construct/create your own webpage from the beginning, what would you want it to be about and why?
I would want it to be a blogger because when you have a blogger you get to say what you want to say and you get money for it depending on the number of views.

4. How many programmers do you think would have to work with you to make your website possible? Would it seem impossible to construct/create a webpage by yourself? Why? 
Just two, and I would think it would be impossible because I don't know how to make the adds and the animations and the special effects of a website and its too much work.

5. What would you want to name your website? Type that name into the web-address bar, is it taken already?
and its not taken

6. Explain why webpages with flash videos, images, and color take longer to load than pages with only text?
Because all those things are like pages and the more pages you have open the longer it will take to open them.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Roblox talk with me

Roblox talk with GeneralAndres

The Darkness Is a first person shooter you must survive a beast that is faster than you and has a melee weapon the beast can turn invisible in the darkness but not in light he can shut down the light and kill you. The only weapon you start is a gun but there is another gun that is better than the other one it kills with 5 shots.

Darkness ALPHA_Image

New city

This is the city that I edited and made this is my dream city I made this on roblox studio took me about 2 weeks.
Roblox groups

Monday, October 21, 2013

New York Times article

1. What problems does the article mention that children run into when they use search engines?
The problem they have is that sometimes the search engine does not understand the question. Then they give up and say the question was not important.
2. What suggestions have been offered for how search engines can improve their product to lessen children’s problems searching?
The search engines should make it more for everyone for adults and children. They try to show related searches.
3. Do you search using keywords or questions? How does the article characterize these two types of searching?
I search by questions. That by asking questions it expands the options for the sites.
4. Have you tried using images or videos to search? How does the article characterize this type of searching?

5. What advice would you give to Internet search engine developers (like Google or Bing) for how they should improve their product? Do you think any of the improvements mentioned in the article are particularly promising? Why?
Well I think they should expand searches and ask people to answer variety of questions.